Free Spay/Neuter Services
Date(s) - 05/01/2014
All Day
Kroger Parking lot (corner of FM518 & FM2351)
Residents in the zip codes 77581, 77584, 77546, 77511, and 77578 will be able to get their dogs and cats spayed and neutered at no cost to the family. Participants must provide identification and proof of participation in
one of the following programs to qualify for a free cat or dog sterilization voucher: food stamps, free and reduced lunch program in schools, Medicaid, major VA disability, section 8 housing, SSI/SSD, TANF, WIC, or low income senior citizens. Participants must arrive at 7:00am to fill out the paperwork and to draw for the lottery place. Pets should be available at the SNAP van by 7:45am. All pets over six months old need to have food and water pulled by 10:00pm the night before.
For more information, contact or check this website: SNAP
Sponsored by the Friendswood Animal Advocates