Early Voting for March 4 Primaries
To download a copy of this page (.pdf), click HERE. For more information about voting by mail or polling places, visit http://www.brazoriacountyclerk.net/recorder/content/Elections/Information.htm.
More...To download a copy of this page (.pdf), click HERE. For more information about voting by mail or polling places, visit http://www.brazoriacountyclerk.net/recorder/content/Elections/Information.htm.
More...Pearland Parks and Recreation hosts monthly Concealed Handgun License classes from 8 a.m. to 2 pm. at the Recreation Center & Natatorium. Instructors Rod and Amy Townsend are certified Texas Department of Public Safety CHL instructors. Rod is also a National Rifle Association … More…
Clay Pearson named City Manager Pearland City Council announced the appointment of a new City Manager. Clay Pearson will join the City beginning Monday, March 10. “During his career, Pearson gained a broad overview and understanding for the varied … More…
Police are receiving reports of an arrest warrant scam that involves a caller posing as a law enforcement officer and asking for money to clear a warrant. During the calls, the caller says he is a deputy or officer with … More…
Source: PISD Upcoming Parent Information Meetings & Elective Fairs: Turner College & Career High School: February 13th; PTA General Meeting, BBQ Fundraiser & Parent Workshop Sessions (6:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.) from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Pearland High School: February 24th; Parent Information & … More…
From the Pearland Reporter News: The City of Pearland will officially be delivering 96-gallon recycling carts to all neighborhoods and subdivisions within the city. Over the past two years, the City of Pearland, along with its contractor for garbage/recycling, Waste Management, … More…
On Saturday May 10, 2014, the citizens of Pearland will elect a Mayor and Council Member to serve in Position Number Three (3) to the Pearland City Council. Candidate Qualifications A candidate for City Council shall be a resident citizen … More…
Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pearland Independent School District will be held on February 11, 2014, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at 1928 North Main St., Pearland, Texas. The closed session will begin immediately after … More…
We all understand that mistakes can happen. Good organizations learn from them and avoid repeating them. The Pine Hollow HOA Board seems to thrive on repeating the same mistakes. And once again it raises questions as to whether they are … More…
Pet Hub Animal Rescue is providing FREE spay-neuter pet surgeries for low income residents again this Spring. Proof of participation in one of the following programs is required to qualify for a free cat or dog sterilization voucher: food stamps, … More…