2020 MUD #18 Meeting Notices and Elections
Brazoria County MUD18 meetings are typically held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Pearland Recreation Center 4141 Bailey Road or at First United Methodist Church 2314 N Grand at 5:00 pm (typically) and are open to the public.
This year an election for District officers will be held on November 3, 2020. If you are interested in running for a position contact MUD #18. In the past, these positions have been paid positions. UPDATE: Election has been moved to November due to COVID-19
District Information: MUD18 District Information Report
November 17 – Teleconference
October 27 – Busy Bee 4009 Broadway
September 22 – Busy Bee 4009 Broadway
August 25 – Busy Bee 4009 Broadway
July 28 – Teleconference 1-800-356-8278 Access Code #637568
June 23 – Bellavita Club House
May 26 – Teleconference 1-800-356-8278 Access Code #637568
April 28 – Teleconference 1-800-356-8278 Access Code #637568
March 24 – Teleconference 1-800-356-8278 Access Code #637568
February 25 – First United Methodist Church
January 28 – First United Methodist Church — If you are interested in running for election, attend this meeting. The topic is being covered in the agenda