FEMA Mitigation Experts nearby
We’re in the midst of hurricane season, making it a great time to meet with a FEMA expert and learn how to prepare for extreme weather. The Mitigation Specialists will provide tips and techniques on how to repair and build more hazard-resistant homes using proven methods to mitigate against future flood damage. Specialists are eager to meet with anyone who has questions about disaster preparedness, even if Hurricane Harvey did not affect them. Topics covered include making a family disaster plan, disaster supply kits and the importance of flood insurance.
FEMA mitigation specialists will be available at The Home Depot, 18251 Gulf Freeway, Webster, 77598 Tues. July 17 through Sat. July 21, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
For Texas-specific disaster mitigation information, visit www.fema.gov/texas-disaster-mitigation