Teenagers Age 13-17 Needed for Research Study: Earn $50!
The Sleep and Anxiety Center for Kids (SACK) at the University of Houston (UH) is conducting a research study asking teens to participate in a study about sleep and emotion. Participation involves:
1. Parental consent (approval)
2. 2 visits (total of 3 hours) to the University of Houston where you and your parent will complete interviews, questionnaires, and you will also be asked to complete computerized tasks
3. Wearing an actigraph (a wrist watch that detects movement) for 7 nights at home
You may be eligible to participate if you:
*Do not have emotional or behavioral problems
*Do not have any serious medical problems
*Are enrolled in a regular classroom setting (no accommodations or Special Education)
Participants will be compensated for their time with a $50 gift card (several options available)! To learn more, please contact the project coordinator, Radhika Reddy at rmreddy@uh.edu, or by phone at (713) 743-8566. This project has been reviewed by the University of Houston Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects: (713) 743-9204.
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